Tag: performance consultancy

Learning at Work Trilogy Kindle freebie

Paul Matthews' books from the Learning at Work trilogy are free on Kindle from 15-19 December 2023
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HPT Video: Pursuing performance…

Guy Wallace interviewing Paul Matthews on his background and how he came to a Human Performance Technology/Evidence-Based Practice approach in his L&D work.
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Screenshot from YouTube video showing the start of the performance system

Performance diagnostics for managers

Performance depends on the capability of your people. Can the worker do the job in front of them?
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field of sunflowers below a blue sky

Webinar in support of L&D in the Ukraine

In support of L&D in Ukraine, Academy Ocean are running a series of webinars. Paul Matthews is honoured to contribute alongside so many L&D experts.
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Trilogy at Work book covers free for limited time banner

Trilogy at Work free on Kindle

As a Christmas gift I have made my Trilogy at Work series, Informal Learning at Work Capability at Work and ...
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Training Industry article: Make training relevant

Make training relevant – diagnose performance first

My recently published article in Training Industry Magazine looks into the question: when you couldn’t do a task, was it ...
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PACT webinar.Solving the Performance Puzzle

Solving the Performance Puzzle

Join me on 10th September when I’m solving the performance puzzle with the Professional Association for Computer Training. Get your ...
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Capability at Work book testimonial April 2021

Capability at Work book testimonial

“I’m currently nose deep in Capability at Work (Chapter 4 to be exact) and my mind is absolutely blown!! I’m ...
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HowNow podcast.The 3 L&D Elephants in the Room

99 Problems But Work Ain’t One Podcast

99 Problems But Work Ain’t One Podcast: The Three L&D Elephants In The Room In this 1st episode of ‘99 ...
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