videos and webinars
Videos and webinars on Learning Transfer, Performance Consultancy, Informal learning, L&D strategy and more…

Paul Matthews was interviewed by My Learning Hub in December 2019
This was a wide-ranging interview on many of the things that affect people in L&D roles.
Topics: L&D effectiveness and mistakes, e-learning, learning cultures and much more.
Time: 30 minutes
Paul Matthews delivering a webinar for the Institute of Leadership and Management in 2019
The webinar topic was ‘How to discover your superpower’ and was aimed at managers and their role in managing others.
Topics: Performance diagnostics, capability, competence, management
Time: 29 minutes
BTN interviewed Paul Matthews in 2018 #4
The Business Transformation Network interviewed Paul Matthews in 2018 and created four videos. This is video #4 which focuses on informal learning.
Topics: Informal learning, 70:20:10
Time: 9 minutes
BTN interviewed Paul Matthews in 2018 #3
The Business Transformation Network interviewed Paul Matthews in 2018 and created four videos. This is video #3 which focusses on Paul’s 3 elephant metaphor for things that are often ignored by L&D.
Topics: Learning transfer, performance consultancy, informal learning, the brand of L&D
Time: 7 minutes
BTN interviewed Paul Matthews in 2018 #2
The Business Transformation Network interviewed Paul Matthews in 2018 and created four videos. This is video #2 which focusses on using performance diagnostics to save L&D budget.
Topics: Performance consultancy, budget, performance diagnostics
Time: 10 minutes
BTN interviewed Paul Matthews in 2018 #1
The Business Transformation Network interviewed Paul Matthews in 2018 and created four videos. This is video #1 which focusses on using learning transfer approaches to stop wasting training budget.
Topics: Learning transfer, ROI, budget
Time: 11 minutes
Paul Matthews was interviewed for the TJ Talks webinar series in 2019
Jo Cook from Training Journal interviews Paul on the topic “Should L&D give managers what they need or what they want?”.
Topics: Performance diagnostics, capability, competence, performance consultancy
Time: 30 minutes
Paul Matthews being interviewed at the CIPD show in London in 2017
The question Paul was asked…“Is there a difference between being capable and being competent?” and he told the mechanic story.
Topics: Competence, capability, performance
Time: 4 minutes
Paul Matthews interviewed by the CIPD in Manchester in 2018
Paul was interviewed at the CIPD Annual Conference in Nov 2018 about the brand of L&D. This video is used as CIPD training course material for some of their qualifications.
Topics: The brand of L&D
Time: 6 minutes
Paul Matthews interviewed on Learning Now TV in 2015.
The interview topic was Informal Learning and focussed on Paul’s first book. This was the inaugural broadcast of the Learning Now TV channel and Paul was honoured to be invited to be part of the launch.
Topics: Informal learning, 70:20:10 model
Time: 14 minutes
Paul Matthews interviewed on Learning Now TV in 2018.
This is the second time Paul was interviewed on the Learning Now TV channel, and the topic is performance consultancy.
Topics: Performance consultancy
Time: 8 minutes
Paul Matthews interviewed on Learning Now TV in 2019.
This was the third time Paul was interviewed on the Learning Now TV channel. The topic was Paul’s latest book on Learning Transfer: How to Ensure Training >> Performance
Topics: Learning transfer
Time: 8 minutes
Paul Matthews speaking at the World of Learning Conference in 2018
Paul co-delivered a session on learning transfer and training impact with Dr Ina Weinbauer-Heidel from the Institute of Transfer Effectiveness in Austria. This excerpt is the second part of the session delivered by Paul.
Topics: Learning transfer, BJ Fogg, behaviour change, learning stack
Time: 12 minutes
Paul Matthews delivering a webinar on the 3 elephants in the L&D room.
This webinar was run internally for the L&D team in a global company in 2019.
Topics: The 3 L&D elephants, performance diagnostics, capability, competence, learning consultancy, informal learning, learning transfer, the learning stack, the brand of L&D
Time: 53 minutes
Paul Matthews speaking at an event organised by Autonomy in October, 2018
Autonomy Multimedia is an award-winning supplier of eLearning and learning portals to many sectors with a strong history in automotive.
Topics: Capability vs competence, performance diagnostics, informal learning, electronic performance support, learning transfer
Time: 38 minutes
Paul Matthews speaking at the CIPD show in London in 2015.
This CIPD Learning & Development show was in May 2015. Paul spoke on the topic of performance and capability. This is an excerpt from his session and includes his metaphor about broken glass.
Topics: Leadership, need vs want
Time: 5 minutes
DPG interview Paul Matthews at a conference in 2018.
DPG is an approved CIPD centre that has been delivering HR, L&D and management programmes for 30 years. They caught up with Paul at a conference and asked him about the three elephants.
Topics: The 3 L&D elephants
Time: 3 minutes