November 14, 2022

Webinar in support of L&D in the Ukraine

field of sunflowers below a blue sky

In support of L&D in Ukraine, Academy Ocean are running a series of webinars.

I am honoured to contribute alongside so many L&D experts from around the world.

There will be simultaneous translation, so do join us from Ukraine or elsewhere.

This Wednesday 16th November at 16:00 GMT, 18:00 Ukraine time: 

‘Save L&D money and time by using Performance Consultancy’

Register for Ukrainian

Register for English

And alongside this, my L&D books will be free on Kindle from 16th November for 5 days.
Get the free Kindle app on your phone to read them.

And please pass this on to anyone you know in Ukraine 🙂

My best wishes, Paul

Paul Matthews

CEO and Founder of People Alchemy

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