Tag: new normal

EPALE discussion How to restart L&D in 2021

How to restart L&D in 2021

I had an inspiring discussion with Martin Dobeš, EPALE Czech Republic project, recently.You can listen to some ideas around “How ...
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The OCM.video chat.coming back stronger

Coming Back Stronger with the OCM

‘Coming Back Stronger: How Coaching Can Help Us To Defy Challenging Times’ As part of International Coaching Week I was ...
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Wearing odd socks

I am wearing odd socks

I am wearing odd socks, and I don’t care. That’s different! I have noticed that my priorities and evaluation of ...
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Hamburger and man exercising on scales

I realised something this week

I have become used to this new way of life resulting from lockdown.It no longer feels strange or weird although ...
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Sun breaking through clouds

What is your silver lining?

COVID-19 has given us a new perspective on so many things we have taken for granted – our freedoms, our ...
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Seal on rocks in aquarium

Face-to-face training has wriggly mortis

I remember a long time ago in a land far away I visited a marine park and watched a performance ...
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Genie and lamp

The future is not what it used to be

The future has changed. As I write this, life feels very surreal, like watching a movie of some dystopian future, ...
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Sun breaking through clouds

What’s new for me?

My life has changed a lot during this huge, albeit enforced, global lockdown experiment. I am finding it quite an ...
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Mountain stream moody weather

The stream and the storm

Once upon a time, there was a stream, tumbling over stones and winding slowly through the fields and hedgerows. A ...
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