Tag: behaviour change

LNTV: Dr Nigel Paine and Paul Matthews on behaviour change

Learning Now TV April 2024: Dr Nigel Paine and Paul Matthews talk about permanent behaviour change.
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Learning transfer: The difficulty with creating new habits

When we talk about learning transfer our desired outcome is that after employees learn something they will utilise that learning to do their jobs better. ...
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Using magnets on your team

Do you remember playing around with magnets and iron filings? People in an organisation are like that - lining up and following invisible cultural forces. ...
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They are such an idiot!

We are often incensed by how stupid, ignorant or (insert your own adjective here) other people can be. But are they really?
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2024 in gold on black background

A simple hack for New Year resolutions

A different way to think about what you want to do differently in 2024: don't focus on doing it. What!!??
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Cover image of L&D rant with Paul Matthews

The L&D Rant

“Lack of clarity of required outcomes from stakeholders is the root of all L&D evil!” Paul had fun sharing his ...
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Cartoon elephant and meeting table on blue background

The Guide to Learning Transfer

People Alchemy's guide to learning transfer signposts to resources enabling L&D to deliver on a critical aspect of the majority of training programmes.
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3 glasses with a strawberry ice lolly each and strawberries in front on a table

Kurt Lewin’s model of change

You deliver a training course because your sponsor wants change. For change to happen, consider the Kurt Lewin model of change...
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How much time is necessary?

Your trainees are in the classroom, then they are released back to their jobs. How much more time is required to create real and lasting ...
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Cartoon coach shouting through megaphone at four students running up a performance graph arrow

Introduce another player to the trainee/manager relationship

After delivering training you want to see behaviour change. The trainee may want to discuss this outside their line relationship. Introduce another player...
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