Tag: decision making

Cartoon man lying on the floor with a x and tick above him to chose from

This quote made me stop and think…

"A person either hates losing enough to change, or he hates changing enough to lose." – Orrin Woodward It took some thought to unravel what ...
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cartoon of man on a junction where he could go left or right

How to deal with decision paralysis

What decision are you struggling with? If decision paralysis comes down to the fear of consequences, look at it from these four perspectives...
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cartoon drawing of a hand flipping a coin

A different way to decide by tossing a coin

A different way to decide by tossing a coin Ever been stuck and unable to decide between two courses of ...
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ideas and resolutions notepad pen and a small globe

Goal setting myths

At this time, many people’s minds turn to what goals they will set for the coming year, and yet so ...
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Deer bolting from perceived danger

Are you running with the herd?

I have been fascinated at how ideas take hold in a community, especially if they are wrong. “If 50 million ...
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Tossing a coin

Do I? Don’t I? Where’s a coin?

I was talking to someone today who had been in back-to-back virtual meetings most of the day. He said that ...
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Carpenter using measure

Measure twice, cut once

There is a saying in the carpentry world, “Measure twice, cut once”. I am sure there are similar aphorisms in ...
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Man lying on grass looking at blue sky

How to defeat the problem box

This is the eighth in a series of tips on how to handle crazy busy and not get caught up ...
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Sign posts one way and another way

Which way? Or is it both ways?

Some say that how you think affects how you feel, which affects how you act, which affects the results you ...
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Fork in the road ahead

Choosing a fork in the road

“The Road Less Travelled” by M. Scott Peck starts with a poem that begins… Two roads diverged in a yellow ...
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