Tag: learning transfer

People Alchemy 25th anniversary badge on rainbow coloured background

My 25 Years in Learning & Development

This week is the 25th anniversary of me leaving corporate land, starting People Alchemy and setting out on my own in the world of L&D...
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Learning transfer: The difficulty with creating new habits

When we talk about learning transfer our desired outcome is that after employees learn something they will utilise that learning to do their jobs better. ...
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Navigating impact: driving impactful change through learning transfer

Paul Matthews shares his considerable experience about ensuring that people really do get the most out of their learning experiences in this Training Journal article
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Learning at Work Trilogy Kindle freebie

Paul Matthews' books from the Learning at Work trilogy are free on Kindle from 15-19 December 2023
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Camera on a tripod pointing down a railway track

Models of learning transfer

There are over 20 learning transfer models that have been proposed in what has become a field of study within learning theory. Near and far ...
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Using technology to change behaviour podcast

In this Learning Effect podcast episode host Katie Godden talks with Paul Matthews about using learning technology to change behaviour.
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HPT Video: Pursuing performance…

Guy Wallace interviewing Paul Matthews on his background and how he came to a Human Performance Technology/Evidence-Based Practice approach in his L&D work.
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Cartoon elephant and meeting table on blue background

The Guide to Learning Transfer

People Alchemy's guide to learning transfer signposts to resources enabling L&D to deliver on a critical aspect of the majority of training programmes.
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CL100 Meet the author Paul Matthews video recording cover

CLO100 Meet the Author

Great session with interesting discussions if you want to find out more about Learning Transfer, or writing a book – ...
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Who is accountable for learning transfer?

Just for a moment, let’s assume that learning transfer following a learning intervention, and the subsequent changes in the way people do their job, is ...
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