May 17, 2021

Do I? Don’t I? Where’s a coin?

Tossing a coin

I was talking to someone today who had been in back-to-back virtual meetings most of the day. He said that ‘Zoom fatigue’ is very real.

You are invited to a meeting. Do you attend or not?

You could toss a coin, or you could reflect on these four questions…

1. What would happen if I attend?
2. What would not happen if I attend?
3. What would happen if I do not attend?
4. What would not happen if I do not attend?

A couple of those questions are a bit tricky the first time but give them a go. It’s surprising what consequences those tricky questions bring to the surface 🙂

If you do attend, here are the key things to remember when attending meetings.

My best wishes, Paul

Paul Matthews

CEO and Founder of People Alchemy

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