March 23, 2020

The stream and the storm

Mountain stream moody weather

Once upon a time, there was a stream, tumbling over stones and winding slowly through the fields and hedgerows.

A storm came and the heavy rain washed off the hills. The stream changed. How could it not?

The once placid and predictable stream, where you could see the fish and the plants waving gently in the flow, became an unpredictable monster. The muddy water escaped the banks and threatened many in its path, even those way downstream from the rains.

Who knows how long the rain will last or where it will fall next? But one thing we know for sure, the rains will pass.

As the rains pass, so to, sometime later, the flood will subside and reveal a landscape changed by the force of nature. In time, the muddy water will once again run clear as the stream flows in its new path, changed forever.

Stay out of the storm if you can, stay safe from the floods, and despite the uncertainty of what the storm will bring, make your plans; then hold them lightly for they will need to change as the water clears and clarity returns.

My best wishes, Paul

Paul Matthews

CEO and Founder of People Alchemy

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