Tag: change

A jet breaking through the sonic barrier

A breakthrough thought

A breakthrough, a change, a solution, or an insight comes as the result of a new thought. That's all it is... a new thought.
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black & white image of woods with a woman in blue jeans and blue umbrella dancing

Dance in the rain

"Life isn't about waiting for the storm to pass...It's about learning to dance in the rain." Vivian Greene - What does it mean to you?
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person walking across a bridge on autumn leaves


If you don’t like where you are, keep moving. The only way to change the scenery around you is to move.
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Water flowing around a piece of wood before the water drops down a sluice

Three things needed for change

First Monday of the month = L&D Monday David McClelland’s team at Harvard summarised the requirements for any significant change ...
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girl showing five plus five fingers behind black board saying 5+5

Making a difference the simple way

If something is simple, …it is more likely to be practical If it is practical, …it is more likely to ...
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Man looking thoughtful with question marks in the background

Ask a different question

We often judge others by the level of questions they ask us. It is said that ‘there is no such ...
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cartoon tiger on hindlegs, arms wide, excited face

Are you hiring?

How are your resolutions for 2022 going? WAIT! Don’t go away. This isn’t yet another grit your teeth platitude about ...
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submarine in the deep blue sea

The other side of fear

I was watching a National Geographic documentary that featured Will Smith, the actor, exploring remote and inhospitable places on earth. ...
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Rplls and rolls of oriental carpets

Are you asking for lots of carpet?

A man in Gandhi’s entourage was forever complaining about this, that, and the other. Finally, Gandhi said to him, “If ...
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New light to see new things

When was the last time you did something for the first time? Stop….. And think about that. Now. Next question: ...
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