Tag: change


What bothers you?

There are some things we don’t like. That seems to be a fact of life for those of us who ...
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What are you prepared to commit to?

“Commitment is doing the thing you said you would do, long after the mood you said it in has left ...
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How to get creative in the face of change

Change is the order of the day, and if we want to thrive during change, we need to try new ...
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The Well&D podcast.Paul Matthews

The Well&D Podcast #8

I had fun on the Well&D podcast with Mike Bedford recently. He asked some interesting questions that made me stop ...
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Dog comfortable in a chair

The secret to changing your life

Do you want to change something in your life, in your work, in your relationships; your health, weight, happiness, job, ...
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Turbulent sky

Turbulent times? Definitely!

By any definition, times right now are turbulent and this quote from Peter Drucker is so apt. “The greatest danger ...
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Sloth clinging to branch

The most dangerous words in business are…

“The most dangerous words in business are, ‘We’ve always done it this way'” says Darren Murph, the head of remote ...
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Innovation plus process

Phony innovation won’t work

The call for innovation is stronger than ever. Have you heard anything like this? “We must innovate in these times ...
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Political intelligence animals

Politics has changed

No, I am not talking about national politics. I mean the politics that exist in the workplace. Regardless of how ...
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Gorilla thinking

Changing the lie

“If you never change your mind, why have one?” Edward de Bono This got me thinking, which changed my mind. ...
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