Category: Paul’s Monday Tips

Genie and lamp

The future is not what it used to be

The future has changed. As I write this, life feels very surreal, like watching a movie of some dystopian future, ...
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Baby elephant being nudged

What do you need a nudge for?

We all know there are things that we should be doing, but we are not doing. If only someone would ...
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Terrapin on hippo

Things are not what they seem

Have a look at the picture. What is it? No prizes for guessing, but it took me a little while ...
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Kitten playing in a freezer

Are you in the freezer?

Someone asked me yesterday, “Are you in the freezer, or are you moving?” An interesting conversation opener! He went on ...
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Sun breaking through clouds

What’s new for me?

My life has changed a lot during this huge, albeit enforced, global lockdown experiment. I am finding it quite an ...
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The word 'now' in several langauges

What do I do!!!?

It is clear there will be a fundamental schism: before COVID-19, during COVID-19, and after COVID-19 when a new normal ...
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Mountain stream moody weather

The stream and the storm

Once upon a time, there was a stream, tumbling over stones and winding slowly through the fields and hedgerows. A ...
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Scuba diver heading for deep water

When do you need to go deep?

This is the ninth in a series of tips on how to handle crazy busy and not get caught up ...
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Man lying on grass looking at blue sky

How to defeat the problem box

This is the eighth in a series of tips on how to handle crazy busy and not get caught up ...
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Word 'no' in large letters

How to say ‘no’ with style

This is the seventh in a series of tips on how to handle crazy busy and not get caught up ...
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