When you are reduced to a 16:9 rectangle on a screen amongst other little rectangles, your voice becomes more important.
How do you reach out from your little rectangle to change minds, motivate, be friendly, be noticed and leave a good impression?
Online, your voice takes centre stage, so here are a couple of tips for our new Zoomified world.
Take a moment now and stare out the window. Adopt a posture as if you are confident and successful. Done it?
You probably sat up straight, lifted your head up, pulled your shoulders back, and started breathing more deeply. Think of this as your posture of power and grace.
This posture is great for your voice (and how you feel), so position your screen and camera at eye level and use this posture when in online meetings.
Do it for your next meeting and notice how things change!
One thing you will notice is that you will use more variation in your voice. What the rectangle has cost you in terms of gestures and body language, you need to add back in with your voice.
Here are a couple more tips on how to influence others with your voice.
My best wishes, Paul