Category: Paul’s Monday Tips

cartoon hero with red cape

Your hero to the rescue

“John would know what to do. If only he were here right now.” Have you ever said something like that ...
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five star excellence

I am not perfect

I am not perfect, so I try to be. Then I realised that I try to be perfect out of ...
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warning-don't do that

“You shouldn’t do that!”

Last week I mentioned something I intended to do, and the horrified reaction? “You shouldn’t do that! It’s not right!” ...
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supportive helping hands

Please, I could really use your help

What was your reaction when you read the subject line? Generous? Dismissive? Curious? What assumptions did you make about me? ...
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Happy, not happy, somewhere in the middle?

We have happy days, we have not so happy days. And some of those sad days are crushing and horrible. ...
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dog wearing glasses thinking about what he learned today

What did you learn in school today?

What do you know now that you did not know when you woke up this morning?
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New light to see new things

When was the last time you did something for the first time? Stop….. And think about that. Now. Next question: ...
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Grab a wire coat hanger and…

Apply a small force to a straight piece of wire and it will bend. Remove the force, and it returns ...
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man listening with fake big ears

Your ears will never get you in trouble

“Most people do not listen with the intent to understand; they listen with the intent to reply” Stephen R. Covey ...
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How are you sitting?

Unless someone printed this tip for you, you are using a computer right now, or your mobile. How are you ...
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