Category: L&D Tips and Musings

3 glasses with a strawberry ice lolly each and strawberries in front on a table

Kurt Lewin’s model of change

You deliver a training course because your sponsor wants change. For change to happen, consider the Kurt Lewin model of change...
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An orange coffee cup at an angle with 2 chocolate croissants and strawberries arranged around it.

Is cultural memory destroying your training course?

Does culture eat your training for breakfast? Will the organisational culture untrain your people as fast as you train them?
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How much time is necessary?

Your trainees are in the classroom, then they are released back to their jobs. How much more time is required to create real and lasting ...
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Two office workers sitting opposite on a desk and working through a work book

Another way to customise learning

There is a lot of talk about customised and personalised learning. You can use algorithms and AI to deliver selected content. But there is another ...
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faint background a woman smiling. Overlaid in blue a stick woman walking up steps towards a flag at the top

Get visibility of what line managers are doing post training

Following training the attitude and input from the line managers of the delegates is pivotal in determining if they are able to operationalise what they ...
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Cartoon coach shouting through megaphone at four students running up a performance graph arrow

Introduce another player to the trainee/manager relationship

After delivering training you want to see behaviour change. The trainee may want to discuss this outside their line relationship. Introduce another player...
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Wooden arrow pointing left with "No, this way" and right with "over here" in front of blue sky with white clouds

Beware of the ‘ISLAGIATT’ principle

Have you ever said 'It Seemed Like A Good Idea At The Time' about one of your learning initiatives? How can you avoid it next ...
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View from a cave or whole in the ground towards a blue sky with white clouds

Tap into your alumni to power your success

Consider using graduates of previous programmes to mentor new learners through their programme. Why?
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Pink and brown piglet on a pink background

Getting your people to do what you want

In a nutshell, employees do what is measured, incentivised and celebrated. For any specific task are you focussed on the results you want?
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Feet in red trainers about to step on a Welcome on Board mat on a wooden pontoon.

What does your onboarding tell people about learning transfer?

New starters in any organisation are at their most impressionable during their first few days and weeks. Examine your onboarding process and notice what messages ...
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