July 3, 2023

Is cultural memory destroying your training course?

An orange coffee cup at an angle with 2 chocolate croissants and strawberries arranged around it.

“Culture eats strategy for breakfast” is a famous quote from legendary management consultant and writer Peter Drucker.

We could equally say that “Culture eats your training for breakfast” – that is, the organisational culture will untrain your people as fast as you train them unless you ‘vaccinate’ them against cultural inertia.

How much does the organisational culture encourage people to utilise methods they have applied in the past, rather than thinking about doing anything new?

In effect, does the organisation use memory as a substitute for thinking?

When your trainees are in the classroom, discuss with them how tightly they feel bound by the cultural norms.

Get a discussion going on how difficult it will be to transfer their learning into their job and change how and what they do.

Then… brainstorm ways to deal with the cultural headwind.

My best wishes, Paul

Paul Matthews

CEO and Founder of People Alchemy

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