Tag: stress management

a blue eye drawn with flowers

A trick with your eyes you can use to relax – instantly

Here is a very quick way to relax. It only takes a few moments to change your state using your peripheral vision. Let me explain.
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Red mechanical alarm clocks disappearing in a hole in space

Where does my time go?

You haven’t stopped all day. The day is done, but not that job you wanted to do today. Sound familiar? ...
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Grab a wire coat hanger and…

Apply a small force to a straight piece of wire and it will bend. Remove the force, and it returns ...
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How can you drive at 20mph?!!!

Have you noticed there are more and more suburban areas in London and elsewhere that are now 20mph areas? Someone ...
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Girl with eyes closed imagining something

Goodwill to all

Thank you for reading my weekly missive. I hope it has been of some help during these most strange, and ...
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The ‘voice’ of your to-do list

Each of the jobs on your list has a ‘voice’. Listen. Can you hear them calling you? Which voices do ...
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Pebble with striations

Your head is not an office

Are you using your mind as an office? Does it feel crammed full? Do you ever feel you have too ...
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Letters spelling word help

Should I ask for it?

I’m not so good at asking for help. People keep telling me I should ask for help more often, but ...
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Creating a new normal in a changing world

eBook on surviving the Coronavirus lockdown and social incarceration

I was asked three days ago to contribute an article to an eBook to help people both cope with what’s ...
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Mountain stream moody weather

The stream and the storm

Once upon a time, there was a stream, tumbling over stones and winding slowly through the fields and hedgerows. A ...
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