August 2, 2021

Grab a wire coat hanger and…


Apply a small force to a straight piece of wire and it will bend. Remove the force, and it returns to being straight. You can do this many times and the wire stays straight.

Now apply a greater force. When the force is big enough, the wire ‘gives way’. In engineering terms, it goes ‘plastic’ and deforms. Now when you release the force, the wire remains bent to some degree. The springier the wire, the more force it can withstand and still return to being straight.

When you are challenged or under pressure, you are under stress. That is, you are subject to an external force or stressor. How well you cope with that stressor, whether you deal with it or give way, depends on your level of mental toughness, your ‘springiness’.

Have a look at this explanation of what gives you ‘springiness’. (And try the above experiment for real with a paper clip or a wire coat hanger).

If you think you are stressed, you can improve your mental toughness and/or you can deal with the stressors you are experiencing.

Here are some tips for dealing with life’s stressors.

My best wishes, Paul

Paul Matthews

CEO and Founder of People Alchemy

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