Have you noticed there are more and more suburban areas in London and elsewhere that are now 20mph areas?
Someone said to me “How can you drive at 20mph?!!!”
Is this about patience?
patience n. the quality of being able calmly to endure suffering, toil, delay, vexation or the like; sufferance. Chambers English Dictionary, 1988 edition.
Fast food, same-day delivery, smartphones. We live in a world with more and more opportunities for instant gratification and less need for patience. ‘I want it NOW!’
Were there times when lack of patience caused you problems?
Speeding ticket? Food not quite cooked? Stressed out while waiting in line? Traffic?
This week, notice when impatience arises, and then notice impatience arises from how you are thinking about the situation, not the situation itself.
How could you think differently?
By the way, what things in your life should not be hurried, even if you could?
My best wishes, Paul