Tag: learning & development

Cover image of L&D rant with Paul Matthews

The L&D Rant

“Lack of clarity of required outcomes from stakeholders is the root of all L&D evil!” Paul had fun sharing his ...
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Learning at Work Trilogy Kindle freebie

Paul Matthews' books from the Learning at Work trilogy are free on Kindle from 15-19 December 2023
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Reflections on EdCrunch X 2023

Well, that was an experience! Pauls Matthews reflections on speaking at the EdCrunch conference in Almaty in Kazakhstan this week.
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Black drawing of coke bottle with bubbles coming out of the top

What is the brand of L&D?

Here is a little experiment to find out what the brand of Learning & Development is in your organisation and how to update it.
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Camera on a tripod pointing down a railway track

Models of learning transfer

There are over 20 learning transfer models that have been proposed in what has become a field of study within learning theory. Near and far ...
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Using technology to change behaviour podcast

In this Learning Effect podcast episode host Katie Godden talks with Paul Matthews about using learning technology to change behaviour.
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HPT Video: Pursuing performance…

Guy Wallace interviewing Paul Matthews on his background and how he came to a Human Performance Technology/Evidence-Based Practice approach in his L&D work.
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Cartoon elephant and meeting table on blue background

The Guide to Learning Transfer

People Alchemy's guide to learning transfer signposts to resources enabling L&D to deliver on a critical aspect of the majority of training programmes.
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CL100 Meet the author Paul Matthews video recording cover

CLO100 Meet the Author

Great session with interesting discussions if you want to find out more about Learning Transfer, or writing a book – ...
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Did you know that you have stakeholders?

Anything you do has stakeholders. People who are affected by what you do, and therefore have an interest, a stake, in it. So, who are ...
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