Category: Paul’s Monday Tips

To-do list - everything

How to deal with crazy busy

A new year and a new decade are a time to reflect on what has changed. One thing I am ...
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Image of face with aura

Soul food

I saw an article about graffiti in London recently and it included this gem… “I wonder what my soul does ...
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Still from My Learning Hub Talk L&D interview

My Learning Hub interview

I had fun at the recent interview with Victor Potapov from My Learning Hub. Thanks for sharing my thoughts as ...
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2020 unwritten New Year

Happy New Decade! (for the second time)

Before Christmas, I sent a tip that wished you a Happy New Decade. And I do so again because it ...
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pencil and eraer on paper with questionmarks

Happy New Decade!

In a couple of weeks, we start a new decade. So Happy New Decade! It is a sobering thought, isn’t ...
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Sheep communicating

A great quote from George Bernard Shaw

“The problem with communication is the illusion that it has been accomplished.”George Bernard Shaw We say something, we write something, ...
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Autumn leaves on the ground

Seasons of change, and a new decade

I was watching the last leaves fall from a tree in my garden today, floating orange in the late autumn ...
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Seal with nose out of water breathing in air

Oxygen for managers

In 2008, Google did an internal study on what behaviours make a great manager. They identified eight. Last year they ...
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Barriers and traffic cones

Change? Sure, but what’s stopping you?

You’re a manager and you want change. What next? Ask, “Do I want people to do different things or do ...
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Fisherman balancing on a boat

Chasing the myth of work/life balance

Last time I looked, work was a part of life, so maybe we should be talking about work vs non-work ...
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