Tag: webinar

field of sunflowers below a blue sky

Webinar in support of L&D in the Ukraine

In support of L&D in Ukraine, Academy Ocean are running a series of webinars. Paul Matthews is honoured to contribute alongside so many L&D experts.
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Feedback Works.Learning Experience Excellence recording

Webinar: Learning Experience Excellence

*** Now available on demand *** “I had a great chat with Rob and he asked some really good questions. ...
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Webcast banner: Designing learning experiences that work

Designing learning experiences that work

I really enjoyed this discussion. Rob Browton asked some penetrating questions, and we covered a lot of ground talking about ...
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Banner for L&D Mastermind Behaviour Change webinar

Webinar: Barriers to behaviour change

In this webinar for L&D Mastermind I will be looking at what behaviours you are trying to change in your ...
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InstituteLM L&D strategy webinar

‘L&D strategy: the three invisible elephants’ on demand webinar

*** If you missed the webinar, it’s now available on demand https://vimeo.com/497639019 *** My first webinar in 2021 will be ...
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IACCM Ask the Expert webinar.How to Reboot Training

Ask the Expert: How to reboot training in our new COVID world – 24th August

**** If you missed it, the webinar is now available here https://www.iaccm.com/resources/?id=11255&src=ATE_24_08_2020 **** If you want to find out how ...
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L&D Mastermind Webinar: ‘Redesign of classroom training’

*** If you missed it, here’s the recording… *** Link to recording and use this password: 3h@59Y0g *** Join me ...
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Digital Adoption Summit 2020

Digital Adoption Summit 2020 on 26 – 28th May

Note: The event has finished, but you can access the recording here http://pal.gl/f0 ### Join me at the Digital Adoption ...
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Webinar title "The elephant in the Room" and picture of elephant.

Webinar: The elephant in the room: building learning transfer into your L&D strategy

In this webinar, People Alchemy author (and elephant trainer) Paul Matthews explains how to build learning transfer into your learning ...
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