Tag: personal growth


What are you prepared to commit to?

“Commitment is doing the thing you said you would do, long after the mood you said it in has left ...
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Stubborn billboard

Can being stubborn kill you?

Well, this billboard from the US Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality suggests it can. And the graffiti artist disagrees ...
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Sun breaking through clouds

What is your silver lining?

COVID-19 has given us a new perspective on so many things we have taken for granted – our freedoms, our ...
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2020 unwritten New Year

Happy New Decade! (for the second time)

Before Christmas, I sent a tip that wished you a Happy New Decade. And I do so again because it ...
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pencil and eraer on paper with questionmarks

Happy New Decade!

In a couple of weeks, we start a new decade. So Happy New Decade! It is a sobering thought, isn’t ...
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