Do you habitually talk about problems, or talk about solutions?
Problem talk includes descriptions of what the problems are, analysis of where they came from, elaboration of the effects they are having, how people feel about them, and speculation about what they are leading to. It is any talk that puts the focus on the problem.
Whereas solutions talk is about what is wanted instead. It includes descriptions of how things will be when they are the way people want them to be; it also includes talk of resources, strengths, and skills, of successful examples and of actions that will help get to the desired state of affairs.
Notice when you do one or the other.
Notice how people react to each.
Also notice what happens to the problem, and how you feel about it.
People who talk about solutions are usually nicer to be around. They typically have an upbeat and positive outlook on life, and we all gravitate to that far more than we will ever gravitate to someone who is just talking about what is wrong.
So… Do you habitually talk about problems, or solutions?
My best wishes, Paul