
Water flowing around a piece of wood before the water drops down a sluice

Three things needed for change

First Monday of the month = L&D Monday David McClelland’s team at Harvard summarised the requirements for any significant change to be lasting and effective as follows: People must… …be willing to change (if they’re not it’s a motivation issue) ...
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Picture of Paul Matthews and John Helmer recording podcast at Learn Tech

Learning Hack report from Learning Technologies 2022

If you missed Learning Technologies conference & exhibition beginning of May (or even if you haven’t) here’s a great special edition of the Learning Hack podcast with John Helmer and Caroline Ford reporting from the event. I highly recommend you ...
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sunset over water with ripples and rocks

The power you have

As a human, you have great power. By that I mean, the quality of the lives of the people you interact with directly or indirectly will be affected by your words and deeds. “Life I touch for good or ill ...
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Drawing of a manager receiving feedback with smiley face buttons for bad average good

Turning management on its head

I was reminded recently of a way to look at management from a new perspective. Think of management as a service you provide to the people on your team so they can get on and do the work. There are ...
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laptop clock pen and penholders on a desk in black and white

How to beat procrastination

What task is on your list that you keep deferring? The 15-minute method is a way to help overcome inertia and get moving on a task. It’s basically a psychological trick, and it’s very simple. Prepare your environment in advance. ...
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Metal barriers and traffic cones

12 Barriers to implementing learning transfer

In my latest blog ’12 Barriers to implementing learning transfer’ I discuss the resident elephant in many rooms where a training programme is under discussion. And the 12 barriers to implementing learning transfer that I have identified. Read the article ...
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cartoon drawing of a hand flipping a coin

A different way to decide by tossing a coin

A different way to decide by tossing a coin Ever been stuck and unable to decide between two courses of action? Logic would have us believe that there is a logical decision-making process that will enable us to make the ...
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emoji smiling showing teeth

Smile… it’s good for you

Most people smile much less often than they think they do. How do you feel when you smile? Pretty good! Smiling releases lots of feel-good neurochemicals into your body. How do you react to others who smile? They are easy ...
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