Tag: l&d strategy

Wooden arrow pointing left with "No, this way" and right with "over here" in front of blue sky with white clouds

Beware of the ‘ISLAGIATT’ principle

Have you ever said 'It Seemed Like A Good Idea At The Time' about one of your learning initiatives? How can you avoid it next ...
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Podcast banner with headshot of Paul Matthews and title of podcast

How to talk to the C-Suite about Learning Transfer podcast

Paul Matthews recently shared how to talk to the C-Suite about learning transfer and plenty of other insights in this latest Mind the Skills Gap ...
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View from a cave or whole in the ground towards a blue sky with white clouds

Tap into your alumni to power your success

Consider using graduates of previous programmes to mentor new learners through their programme. Why?
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Conditions that trigger behaviour change

The ultimate outcome of learning transfer is behaviour change, so we must understand the conditions that trigger a behaviour to start.
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Feet in red trainers about to step on a Welcome on Board mat on a wooden pontoon.

What does your onboarding tell people about learning transfer?

New starters in any organisation are at their most impressionable during their first few days and weeks. Examine your onboarding process and notice what messages ...
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Goldfish leaping from one fish bowl and transferring to another

What does an Alchemist do in 2023?

Make 2023 the year you focus on tangibly improving impact from your L&D interventions. How? Focus on learning transfer.
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Cover page of ebook

How to reboot training for tangible business impact?

The 3rd edition of the ebook ‘Reboot Training for Tangible Business Impact’ has been published. With less focus on the pandemic but concentrating on helping ...
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Item carved, hand with thumbs up, blue shirt sleeve, writing on hand "Good job!"

Catch them doing something right

Many of the ideas of management grew out of the latter stages of the industrial revolution. Do your managers seek to catch people doing something ...
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golden robot arm on blue background and blue writing strategy with arrow pointing to the hand holding a spanner

We need a strategy to fix this

"We need a strategy to fix this" - But what is a strategy anyway? I notice that many people get confused between strategy and planning...
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Two people arms stretched out and holding hands, silhouetted in front of a sunset red sky. Network of lit up dots imposed on the sky.

Change can be viral

One of the most significant determinants of learning transfer is the culture of the organisation. Culture is the sea where all learning transfer activities swim.
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