
blue background, cartoon hands holding two cards, left says can, right 't

Henry Ford was right

You are delivering a training course and your outcome is that as a result, the trainees will do their jobs better. Do the trainees believe they can change the way they do things?
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5 smooth round stones stacked up in shallow water

The learning stack’s five levels of reflection

The Learning Stack is a five level model by Paul Matthews. Reflection can have levels of ‘quality’ and better quality reflection supports learning transfer.
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A jet breaking through the sonic barrier

A breakthrough thought

A breakthrough, a change, a solution, or an insight comes as the result of a new thought. That's all it is... a new thought.
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A girl closely watching anohter girl writing or drawing something

How to become an expert

Do you want to become an expert? If so, what field? What do you want to master? Here's a great way to grow faster...
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black & white image of woods with a woman in blue jeans and blue umbrella dancing

Dance in the rain

"Life isn't about waiting for the storm to pass...It's about learning to dance in the rain." Vivian Greene - What does it mean to you?
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Creating learning workflows

Paul Matthews speaks with Jon Kennard about his work over the last few years and discusses learning transfer, workflows, capability and more.
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cartoon holding stop sign in one hand and speech bubble from its head

‘That’s interesting’ – What do you do next?

You are reading and find yourself thinking 'that's interesting'. Rather than just read on, STOP...
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The learning journey to generate changed behaviors

Josh Kamrath, CEO of Bongo interviews Paul Matthews to talk about learning workflows and the necessary paths to generate changed behavior.
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