
glass pawns on a chess board, one see through the others opaque

Where is the leadership pointing?

Very few organisations are satisfied with where they are, and any leadership team worth its salt will have a vision of where they want to be instead.
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black board with wooden frame and Why? written in white chalk

Be wary of the power of ‘Why?’

Imagine you see someone, a colleague, a friend, even a partner, doing something wrong, and it matters to you. Or they fail in their task and that matters to them. Perhaps you don’t have to imagine it 🙂 We are ...
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People sitting around a table working with laptop and making notes

Informal learning’s role in learning transfer

We have just published Paul’s latest blog. He talks about the role informal learning plays in learning transfer. Why it must be part of a learning transfer workflow and how to harness its power. Read the article here…
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person walking across a bridge on autumn leaves


If you don’t like where you are, keep moving. The only way to change the scenery around you is to move.
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cartoon woman holding a book and thinking with question marks on the left and light bulbs on her right

A checklist for when you think about managers

First Monday of the month = L&D Monday The local line manager, and their input into the learning transfer process, are critical success factors for learning transfer. Consider how you can set things up so that the line manager wants ...
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Podcast banner with headshots of hosts and Paul Matthews on orange background

Learing Reinvented Podcast: Learning Workflows

Great to talk with Katie and James about generating change in the way people do their job. There is so much more than learning required if you want people to change their behaviours at work. A learning workflow is the ...
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single pearl on the ground

Ever been certain of something, and wrong?

Have you ever been really certain of something, only later to find out you were wrong? Have you ever dismissed an idea as utter rubbish only to find out later that it has some validity? I know that I have. ...
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barefoot toddler feet

The first steps to effective learning transfer

You know you need to start including learning transfer in your training programme design. So what are the first steps to do this effectively? Find out in Paul’s latest article here…
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