Have you ever been really certain of something, only later to find out you were wrong?
Have you ever dismissed an idea as utter rubbish only to find out later that it has some validity?
I know that I have. We have all had these experiences. What can we learn from them?
Next time you are presented with a new idea, give the idea some wiggle room rather than immediately condemning or approving it.
Maybe it is valid, maybe it isn’t, but be curious, especially if it is something someone else has thought through. How did they get to a different conclusion?
In the words of Chester Barnard, “It is what we think we know that keeps us from learning.”
The greatest obstacle to discovery is not ignorance – it is our illusion of knowledge and our desire for certainty.
You may have heard the expression “casting pearls before swine”.
Is your need for certainty so great that you miss the occasional pearl cast upon your path?
Your friends are curiosity, respect, empathy, and of course, courage.
My best wishes, Paul