Category: Paul’s Monday Tips

Pencil drawing of Yoda

They won’t do it!

When you hear… ‘I will do it…’ vs. ‘I will try to do it…’ Which one gives you confidence? I ...
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Rplls and rolls of oriental carpets

Are you asking for lots of carpet?

A man in Gandhi’s entourage was forever complaining about this, that, and the other. Finally, Gandhi said to him, “If ...
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car in steamy hand car wash backlit by sun

A carwash experience…

Last week I went to a hand car wash that had recently opened nearby. My car was pounced on by ...
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hand and thumbs up reaching through laptop screen

Catch them doing something right

Many of the precepts of management grew out of the latter stages of the industrial revolution where there was careful measurement and specification of results. ...
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father and son walking wearing same trainers and jeans

If I were you, I would…

We love to give advice. It makes us feel good. The passing of knowledge and experience to others in our ...
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fresh new shoot from a bean, closeup with blue background

The idea that starts everything

Look around you at some of the amazing things people have done. Every one of them started with an idea, ...
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drawing of elephant cycling balancing on tight rope above sunflower valley

How balanced is your life?

First, I was dying to finish high school and start college. And then, I was dying to finish college and ...
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confident cat sees lion in mirror

Where did my confidence go?

Confidence is something many of us wish we had a bit more of. Confidence comes from a Latin word ‘fidere’ ...
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Why criticism hurts

Criticism can hurt, yet feedback can be helpful. What’s the difference? Consider who will benefit. Feedback is for the benefit ...
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From bad to good

I saw some quotes last week that seemed related. Here they are… “You can’t be good at something unless you’re ...
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