New technologies may be shiny and their impact on learning and development valid, but they don’t guarantee success. It’s important that the essential groundwork of L&D basics isn’t overlooked and that tech is seen as a supportive tool, not a ...
Paul Matthews
September 22, 2023 Articles publishedRead More
Training is often still just focused on the training event. But to generate impact we need to create capability and see ourselves as capability managers.
Paul Matthews
September 13, 2023 Articles publishedRead More
Setting up learning for success - In part 1 of 2 practical articles on how to establish successful training programmes Paul focusses on setting expectations
Paul Matthews
August 28, 2023 Articles publishedRead More
Informal learning is happening all the time. But what exactly is informal learning, and how does it operate within our conscious and unconscious realms?
Eva McCann
August 4, 2023 Articles publishedRead More