Confidence is an interesting concept. You can have confidence in yourself, or others can have confidence in you. From the inside it manifests as self-belief and from the outside as support, trust, and a mandate to continue.
When one element is weakened it affects both. When your self-belief reduces, it will be clear to others that you are not fully confident, thus reducing their confidence in you. Equally, if you lose external support, it will have an effect on your inner confidence.
So, in order to bolster your own inner confidence, do things that help others have confidence in you.
Think of someone who you have confidence in. Why them? They will be visibly demonstrating that they are worthy of your trust and belief.
Remember, invisible miracles don’t impress anybody. Others will have confidence in you based on what they hear, or know, or notice about you.
Now, think of someone who you would like to have confidence in you. What new things do they need to see, hear, or feel for them to be more confident in you?
My best wishes, Paul