August 17, 2020

Your head is not an office

Pebble with striations

Are you using your mind as an office?

Does it feel crammed full?

Do you ever feel you have too many tabs open at once?

While we can multitask, we cannot multifocus. There’s a difference, and trying to multifocus causes that head-full feeling.

So how can you close a few tabs?

Write some stuff down to get it out of your head and somewhere else. It will wait there until you are ready to pick it up again.
Of all your spinning plates, decide which ones are china and which ones are rubber. The rubber ones will come to no harm if they fall, and then later you can pick them up again.
Stop for 3 minutes and focus on something like a flower or a veined pebble. Turn it around as you hold it and look for every nuance of shape and colour. Immerse yourself in the object. If you think of something else, bring your thinking back to the object. Imagine how it came to be as it is. Breathe. Now choose one task to focus on for a set period of time, maybe 30 minutes, and really focus.

My best wishes, Paul

Paul Matthews

CEO and Founder of People Alchemy

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