Changing what you have will change – when you change who you are.
Changing who you are will change – when you change what you think.
Changing what you think… Can you do that?
Actually, it’s not so much changing what you think, but rather changing the thoughts that you engage with and roll over and over in your mind.
Thoughts arise. That’s what they do. We then have a choice as to which ones to engage with and repeat and amplify.
If you think about what can go wrong and amplify that, what happens?
How do you feel?
If you think about what can go right, and amplify that, what happens?
How do you feel?
Changing the thoughts you amplify ultimately changes what you choose, your words, your actions, the music you listen to, the movies you watch, the places you visit, the friends you hang out with, and more.
Notice which thoughts you habitually amplify.
How is that working for you?
My best wishes, Paul