They say that youth is wasted on the young (often attributed to George Bernard Shaw, 1856-1950) because they don’t appreciate the vitality of youth. I guess this is from the perspective of an older person where that vitality is waning.
They also say that wisdom is wasted on the old because if they impart it to the young, the young don’t listen, seeming intent on learning the lessons their own way and to suffer their own pain on their own terms.
Interesting isn’t it.
Now, as an ‘older’ person, I wish that my younger self had understood what I understand now. How my life would have been different!
Here is a thought experiment.
Imagine visiting your younger self and what you would say to them. Go on, take a few minutes and daydream that scenario.
Now that you have the structure of that interaction in your mind, imagine receiving a visit from your older self and what they would say to you now. Take a few more minutes and daydream that scenario as well.
What did you learn?
By the way, this works better if you do it a few times 🙂
My best wishes, Paul