The New Year has started, and you are probably thinking that you will
- Focus on what you want
- Figure out the steps to get you there
- Resolve to take those steps starting now
With sufficient determination and commitment, it will probably work.
Feels tiring doesn’t it.
Another way is to
- Decide that 2023 will be your happiest year yet
- Every day, listen to your heart with happiness in mind
- Follow what your heart tells you is right for you
In other words…
Are you ready to see things differently?
If you can’t or won’t see things differently, the changes you want will pass you by.
So, if you want 2023 to be different, you need to see things in a different way, and you need to be you in a different way.
Think about it 🙂
By the way, to listen to your heart, put your hand on your heart and then put your quiet attention there too. Be still for a few minutes and notice what emerges from the stillness.
My best wishes, Paul