April 3, 2023

The walk of power and grace

Woman walking at a beach in the sunset

The way that you move your body and the way you walk has an enormous effect on the way that you feel, your confidence levels and even what other people think of you.

How you move is linked to what’s going on in your head and vice versa.

Most people let their mind control their body movements; it also works the other way round.

Next time you are out walking, and you are not in a hurry, lift your head and lengthen your spine. Lift your chin up and look ahead. Let your shoulders come back, and hold your stomach in. Let your arms swing naturally.

Notice how you feel, then experiment with different postures, different gait, different speed.

You could also add a mental component. As you walk, imagine the world around you is there for you, and be grateful.

If you feel better when you walk that way, and you probably will, then do it often, so it becomes a habit.

Notice how, when you are in this state, what was a problem seems more manageable, more solvable.

Let the ideas flow from this enhanced state 🙂

It’s time for you to go for a walk!

My best wishes, Paul

Paul Matthews

CEO and Founder of People Alchemy

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