March 22, 2021

The sadness of dead daffodils

Lawn mower cutting down flowers

It is spring, and the daffodils are coming up. In a park near here, the lawnmower cut down a bed of these budding daffodils. What a shame. Perhaps the lawnmower driver did not see them.

If a plant sends its first tentative leaves above the ground, it is worth waiting to see what kind of plant it is before sending in the lawnmower.

If a new idea blinks its way into the light, it is worth waiting to see what kind of an idea it is before destroying it.

Too many times, we destroy new ideas in their infancy before we see what they can become.

The next time you or a colleague has an idea, give it a chance to grow. Think of it as incubation (and protection from the lawnmower). The green shoot can become a daffodil, the ugly duckling becomes a swan, and an idea can grow to change everything.

Walt Disney used to organise his creative teams so that new ideas had a chance to flourish, and you can also use his simple process. It is method 3 at the bottom of this page.

My best wishes, Paul

Paul Matthews

CEO and Founder of People Alchemy

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2 responses

  1. I couldn’t agree with you more.

    I keep a file of ideas and let them sit there for a while. Sometimes they grow into the most beautiful pieces of writing.

  2. Thanks for your comment 🙂
    I think a ‘greenhouse’ file is a great idea!
    Cheers, Paul

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