Sometimes life sucks. It’s just not fair. We know that.
So, we have a choice to make.
From the moment we awake in the morning, we can think that something wonderful is about to happen that day, or drag ourselves through it in a dull, grey fog, hoping nothing goes wrong.
The choice is always ours, so what do you choose?
My preferred choice – don’t bemoan what is not. That won’t change anything. Indeed, it will probably bring more of what you don’t want into your life.
So, next time you are unhappy about something, ask “How can I make the best of what is?”
Yes, it is mind games, but your mind is what is happy or unhappy, not the situation.
Remember your Shakespeare…
“There is nothing either good or bad, but thinking makes it so.” Hamlet, Act II, Scene 2.
My best wishes, Paul