March 31, 2020

eBook on surviving the Coronavirus lockdown and social incarceration

Creating a new normal in a changing world

I was asked three days ago to contribute an article to an eBook to help people both cope with what’s happening and look ahead. The project blossomed and grew much larger than originally planned because so many people wanted to help. The eBook has just been published and you can download it here

Surviving the Coronavirus Lockdown and Social Isolation

This amazing resource is full of moving stories and great advice. It was written by dozens of experts from around the world and is professionally edited and produced. Anyone can access it, so please pass it on to your network, your colleagues and your friends. There is no restriction on distribution.

If you send it on, please use the hashtag #LetsResetNormal

What is the new normal after COVID-19?

Let’s design our new normal rather than just accept whatever happens.

Stay safe and well.

My best wishes, Paul

Paul Matthews

CEO and Founder of People Alchemy

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