March 10, 2025

Only dead fish follow the stream

Otter floating in the water

Swedish proverb: ‘Only dead fish follow the stream’

Now that really got me thinking!

What does it mean to you?

What stream are you in?

Where is it going?

Do you just want to go where the stream takes you, or do you have your own ideas on your future?

Are you dead and drifting with the current, or alive and moving with purpose?

What do you really want?

  1. Here are some interesting questions to ponder…
  2. If you won £1 million in the lottery, what would you do differently in your life?
  3. If you only had six months to live, but could live in perfect health during that time, what would you do?
  4. What have you always wanted to do, but have been afraid to attempt?
  5. If you had the courage, and you could be absolutely sure of success, what would you choose to do?
  6. Think of something you failed at – but now you are glad that happened! What did you learn?
  7. Think of something you thought you had failed at, but didn’t. What did you learn?
  8. If you had the courage, what would you be willing to risk failing at now? How does that relate to the previous questions and answers?
  9. How could you balance your life to be more in harmony with your core values and to honour what is truly important to you?
  10. On your deathbed, would you prefer to regret something you tried and failed at, or prefer to regret not trying it at all?
  11. What legacy would you like to leave behind; how do you want to be remembered?
  12. What gives you the greatest feelings of satisfaction, achievement and happiness?


Drift or swim?

My best wishes, Paul

Paul Matthews

CEO and Founder of People Alchemy

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