Informal Learning at Work: How to Boost Performance in Tough Times
Informal learning is the powerhouse of learning in the workplace, and yet in many ways, it is fragile. How can you manage informal learning without destroying the informality; and without destroying the very thing that makes it so powerful?
Studies have consistently shown that 70% or more of the knowledge any person uses to do their job is learned informally. It is such a large part of how people get results at work that we need to be paying far more attention to it, and not throwing all our budget at traditional formal learning approaches.
- How does it work?
- How do you manage it?
- How do you encourage it?
- How do you measure it?
- What role does Learning and Development play?
- Who else is doing it, and what is their experience?
- How do you use it in conjunction with formal learning?
I’m Paul Matthews. For over 20 years I have worked with organisations to make their learning more effective. After much prompting from clients and friends, I wrote this book to pull together a lot of practical ‘how-to’ information about informal learning.
Click here to see a review by Peter Honey (opens in new tab)
In these tough economic times, it is more critical than ever to leverage all the advantages you have, yet in most organisations, informal learning is not even talked about, let alone used as a deliberate tool for improving performance. And this is despite the fact that most informal learning initiatives are far less costly than traditional formal training programmes.
Buy your copy of Informal Learning at Work by entering your details and we will post you a copy today.
The price is £14.97 with free shipping in the UK, £7.00 airmail to Europe and £11.00 airmail to the rest of the world.
For this, you will discover how the role of anybody involved in workplace learning, enhancing capability and improving performance MUST change to successfully manage the critical shift in the way organisations need to cater to the learning needs of their employees. Deliberately harnessing the power of informal learning is the new way to tangibly improve worker capability and performance, right at the point of work.
Here are the chapter headings…
- Chapter 1 – Survive and thrive with informal learning
- Chapter 2 – The agile learning organisation
- Chapter 3 – What is informal learning?
- Chapter 4 – Informal learning in practice
- Chapter 5 – The new L&D role
- Chapter 6 – Practical things for you to do
- Chapter 7 – More tools and ideas you can use
- Chapter 8 – Managing your learnscape
- Chapter 9 – Obstacles you may face
- Chapter 10 – Getting managers more involved
- Chapter 11 – Evaluating informal learning
- Conclusion
- References
- Index
It is clear that the role of Learning and Development is changing. This is both a challenge and an opportunity for L&D practitioners.
The opportunity is yours for the taking!
My very best wishes,

Paul Matthews
Founder and CEO
People Alchemy Ltd
“Hurrah!! Finally, a book that doesn’t just theorise about informal learning, but actually provides real-world, practical advice for making it happen.“
Nicki Talbot (Director – L&D)
“A practical, inspirational guide to introducing informal learning into your organization.”
Christina Bush (L&D Manager)
“This is the new role for L&D – a paradigm shift for traditionalists.“
Carol Bolton (OD Manager)
“This book has changed my mind-set and provided a framework and direction for how better performance can be achieved. “
Adrian Kingswell (Head of L&D)
“Paul sets out his case succinctly and manages to distil, in a very easy to read book, clarity, common sense and a way forward from the often over-crowded debate on the future direction of workplace learning “
Derek Brimley (Learning Manager)
“Paul clearly explains the shift in expectations on L&D without disregarding the value of traditional training routes should they still be applicable.”“
Fiona Jones (Management Development)
Buy the Informal Learning book here!

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©Paul Matthews