First, I was dying to finish high school and start college.
And then, I was dying to finish college and start working.
And then, I was dying to marry and have children.
And then, I was dying for my children to grow old enough for school so I could return to work.
And then, I was dying to retire.
And now, I am dying……
And suddenly realise, I forgot to live.
As you read this old wisdom from an unknown source, how do you feel?
We talk about Work-Life balance as though the two are separate.
It is almost as though we are saying that when we are working, we are not living.
I find that sad.
Shouldn’t it be Life-Balance where work is an integral part of life and living?
What other activities should be an integral part of your life, and your living?
Only you can know that. By the way, don’t dismiss an activity just because you haven’t tried it yet 🙂
How do you know if your life is in balance?
Notice how it feels. And what does your quiet inner voice say?
My best wishes, Paul
2 responses
I think I once read a fairy tale about a boy who used a magic ball of yarn to skip over all of the boring parts of his life like attending school, saving money up to get married, taking care of the children he had with his wife, etc. And then he realized he’d reached the end of his life and had skipped over so much of it.
This post matches up beautifully with that story. Were you already aware of that tale? I’ll bet you were. 🙂
Thanks, and I wasn’t aware of that story. I like it, but do feel sad for the boy.