September 30, 2019

Here’s the power to carry your load

Yoga pose at sunset with hands cupping sun

I had so many great comments back after my tip last week on load and power, I decided to share a few of the ideas.

People sent me things they considered loads, and where they get their power. What’s interesting is that for many people, the same things appeared on both sides of the register. For example, a colleague could be either a load or a power source depending on their mood.

And even more interesting, most things can be either a load or a power source depending on how we think about them at the time. Remember Hamlet’s immortal line “…there is nothing either good or bad, but thinking makes it so”. What do you consider a load and others consider a power source? How do they think about it differently? Ask them!

Did you write down your list of the things that seem like a load and the things that give you power to handle that load?

Each entry on the list has a magnitude. So when you are predicting a large load, also reach for a large power source. And remember that one technique is to think about a load differently to lessen the magnitude or even turn it into a power source.

What are the ‘loads’ coming up for you this week?

What ‘power sources’ can you tap into to help carry those loads easily?

What do you need now? Need energy? Here’s a quick fix.

My best wishes, Paul

Paul Matthews

CEO and Founder of People Alchemy

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