First Monday of the month = L&D Monday
You are delivering a training course and your outcome is that as a result, the trainees will do their jobs better.
Question: Do the trainees believe they can change the way they do things?
Henry Ford said, “Whether you think you can or whether you think you can’t, you are right”.
What beliefs do the trainees have about their ability to make the desired changes after the training course.
What do they think, rightly or wrongly, will be the obstructions or barriers to change?
For example, how many times has a delegate on a course told you, “I wish my boss was here!”
If the barriers are real and significant, they need to be removed before it is worth running the training course.
If the barriers are not real, and only imagined by the trainees, then you need to help them change those beliefs.
There are always barriers to behaviour change, and they are usually a mix of real and imagined.
You MUST get an answer to the question: What are the barriers to the changes we want the training programme to achieve?
My best wishes, Paul