December 16, 2019

Happy New Decade!

pencil and eraer on paper with questionmarks

In a couple of weeks, we start a new decade.

So Happy New Decade!

It is a sobering thought, isn’t it. Where did the last decade go?

It’s common for people to overestimate what they can achieve in 6 months, but underestimate what they can achieve in 10 years. It’s a bit like the surprising power of compound interest. A small thing done regularly over a longer period can have a massive impact. Have you noticed that?

Take this opportunity to look back 10 years with a glass of Christmas cheer in your hand. Go down memory lane and remember what life was like 10 years ago.

Compare this with your life now. What are the biggest things that have changed for you?

Now that you have an idea of the scale of change possible in 10 years, what would you wish your life to be like 10 years from now, filled with the fruits of another decade of growth?

What do you need to start doing now as you begin to become that future you?

Then keep doing it 🙂

My best wishes, Paul

Paul Matthews

CEO and Founder of People Alchemy

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