best practice guides

6. Capability at Work

Paul Matthews Best Practice Guide 6 - Capability at Work

How to find out what stops people being capable

What it’s about: Poor performance is an issue in many organisations. This Guide gives you a model of capability, and a way to use that model to drill down into the true causes that contribute to an employee not performing well.

Who it’s for: L&D professionals wishing to focus on diagnosing the real causes of poor performance so that an appropriate solution can be designed and implemented. If you don’t what’s wrong, how can you fix it?

Many organisations struggle with continuing poor performance. Despite investing in a variety of training, learning and development initiatives they seem unable to solve the performance puzzle.

Think about it this way – wherever there is poor performance, it is simply because someone is not capable of doing what needs to be done. Something is stopping them doing the job in front of them, and you need to identify that barrier so you can fix it. Until you can get to the underlying cause of the lack of performance, it will continue.

The ‘back-to-basics’ approach in the Guide looks at the performance system and provides a capability model and strategies to uncover the root causes behind poor performance. Only when you know those root causes and have clarity around the underlying issues can you design effective interventions.

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