best practice guides

2. Informal Learning

Paul Matthews Best Practice Guide 2 - Informal Learning

How to harness informal learning
without killing it

What it’s about: Informal Learning is one of the main buzz phrases around L&D, but what does it mean on a day-to-day basis? And where does 70:20:10 come into the picture? This Guide provides some practical things you can do to realise the potential informal learning offers you to get better results.

Who it’s for: This helpful Guide will equip you as an L&D or HR professional with some key ideas to help you embed and support Informal Learning into an organisation while delivering improved results.

Informal learning is the powerhouse of learning in the workplace, and yet in many ways, it is fragile. How can you manage informal learning without destroying the informality – without destroying the very thing that makes it so powerful?

The 70:20:10 model posits that 70% or more of the knowledge any person uses to do their job is learned through on the job experience and 20% through interactions with other people on the job. If informal learning is such a large part of how people get results at work, we need to be paying far more attention to it, and not throwing all our budget at only the formal approaches like training and e-learning.

So we need answers to questions like:
–How does it work?
–How do you manage it?
–How do you encourage it?
–How do you direct it?

This free Guide provides practical things you can do, and helps explain an area of learning and development which is often ignored, and yet has the biggest potential for getting better results.

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“I have now had time to read the article and it is excellent – I have for years been wondering at my frustration with eLearning definitions and the KiFi Model works for me!”

John Hepworth, HR Consultant

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