At this time, many people’s minds turn to what goals they will set for the coming year, and yet so many people fail to keep their New Year resolutions.
They have often been side-tracked by one of the many myths and misunderstandings about goal setting.
For example, many people set New Year resolutions because they feel they should. When that ‘should’ word is involved, beware. You are dancing to someone else’s drum. If the goal is right for you, the word you will spontaneously use is ‘want’. See what happens when you change ‘should’ to ‘want’ or ‘choose to’ or even ‘love to’.
If you don’t REALLY want the goal, I would say don’t bother setting it as a New Year resolution because you are unlikely to keep it. If you don’t set it, you won’t feel guilty and beat yourself up about not keeping it.
On the other hand, if you REALLY want the goal, why not do it right now? Make the decision. Do it!
Waiting for the New Year is just a way of procrastinating.
Here are more myths and misunderstandings about goal setting.
For now, all the best from us at People Alchemy for Christmas and the New Year, and we wish you every success in 2022. See you next year!
As a Christmas gift, I have set my books for free download for Kindle from Amazon for today and tomorrow. You can see the Learning at Work trilogy books here.
Act now! Log on to your local Amazon and search my name. Grab the Kindle versions of my books. Remember, you can download a Kindle reader for your PC or smartphone.
Merry Christmas!
My best wishes, Paul