August 7, 2023

Don’t shoot the youngster

A gardener's hand holding a seedling

When an idea is small and new, it is fragile and weak. Like any new-born, its future is uncertain. It may grow to be a colossus, or fade away before its first steps.

For an idea to achieve anything in its life, it needs to be protected and nurtured when young and vulnerable. Give ideas a chance to grow and gain strength before you allow yourself or others to challenge them.

When presented with a brand new idea, think ‘what if?’ rather than ‘that won’t work’.

Even better, think ‘and…’; then build on the idea to see where it might lead.

Many great ideas are squashed before they have a chance to flourish, and yet success in our rapidly changing world relies on a continuous stream of new ideas.

Most of us have a default response when presented with a new idea:

1. We want to add to it and dream even bigger, wider, further
2. We want to get started figuring out how to make it happen
3. We find holes in it and dismiss it as unworkable

Which is your usual response to a new idea?

Which would work best for you in your life?

Suggestion: do all three responses in turn in the order 1, 2, 3, and then go round again a few more times to give an idea a chance.

When you do this, the idea will morph and grow to be strong and worthwhile, or it will fail, leaving a gap for another idea.

My best wishes, Paul

Paul Matthews

CEO and Founder of People Alchemy

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